Bored? Try these:

Science Technology and other Nerdy stuff:
- There are some bizarre links on the NPR
Science Friday page.
- I work at a medium size scientific instrument manufacturer called SRS.
- The Hubble Space Telescope
page has pretty pictures and some neat astrophysical stuff.
Funny, Entertaining, and Weird:
- The Vatican site is still under construction (you would think that
after a couple of thousand years it would be done...), but The
Pope actually has a presence on the net.
- Scott Adams maintains the Dilbert
page with the last two weeks of comic strips, a hypertext tour of his "studio",
and more.
Gov, Index, whatever's left...
- Excite has become a very popular
search engine that allows you to customize it to your tastes.
- Do you want to request your FBI file? (or see if you even have one?)
Try the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
They have lots of info on what the forces of evil (cesors) are trying to
do to the Internet.
- Going to the movies?. The Internet
Movie Database has cast, crew, biographies, and reviews of current and
past (some way past) movies.
- I know it's uncool to have a link to it, but it is the Whitehouse.
- While the rabid republicans in Congress try to strip its funding, the
USGS site has some good info on
geological conditions and a whole lot more.
- Shopping for a house in the SF Bay Area? Thinking about quake insurance?
Try the ABAG
site for earthquake maps before you make that offer. You can simulate damage
from events on specific faults or just check out the soil conditions under
your house. The detail of these maps gets down to the scale of individual
city blocks.
- Index to the Federal government.
- The Yahoo search engine is still
one of the best.
- I search using Alta Vista
more and more, these days.
- Research financial stuff with the AMEX
- Follow finance trends at the StockMaster
The following was found on a whiteboard at my office:
Top Ten FFT mistakes:
- 10
- Vector average, stupid!
- 9
- 1/2 is NOT equal to -6dB
- 8
- .2dB does equal .02 Bell
- 7
- AC couple for autorange
- 6
- Some displays are in "hair" mode!
- 5
- How many points are in that time record?
- 4
- Always test channel 2! (and channel 1, and down-sweep)
- 3
- It used to work! I didn't change anything!
- 2
- It's the code. It's the hardware. (it's the 186. it's the DSP)
- And, the number one, all-time, FFT mistake is:
- Registration!
- Honorable mentions:
- -Full scale - negative anything = NAN
- Is it a filter reset or an average reset?
- BFD: bnc, filter, display... you make the call.
New! Xanthe, Doug, and Ohannah
had a BBQ and Sam went to the Alameda County Fair.
Click here to return to my homepage. Read what
actual web-flotsam, such as yourself, wrote
about this homepage. Ruby had a baby shower/BBQ
in Berkeley. The comet stuff has been moved. Or,
checkout the recent Wine Dinner at Zza's (on Grand
Ave, in Oakland), our hike in the Sunol Regional
Park, or our Tahoe vacation. See the housewarming
party at Kully's and Brian's, or my butt
"Bob's Good Stuff" / Bob Baylor /