(as if we needed more proof)
My name is Bob. I'm an electronics design engineer at Stanford
Research Systems in Sunnyvale, California. My
hobbies include:
Most of this homepage is devoted to photos of my friends and family so unless you fall into one of those categories, you should probably skip the photos and go straight to my favorite web links. Don't expect any clever icons or logos here. I'm an engineer, not an artist.
Click here to compose a note to Bob (me).
This homepage was originally composed by me, Bob Baylor, in January of 1996 using CompuServe's HomePageWizard. I entered later revisions by hand (in Windows Notepad - if that isn't by hand, I don't know what is!) to take better advantage of the HTML medium until I finally got a copy of Netscape Gold 3.0 that wasn't too buggy to use (November 1996). WYSIWYG is easier. This page was last updated March 4, 1997 at 11pm. Everyone is free to copy, use, disparage, or worship this web page except for the hit counter variable (which hasn't been working very well lately. But you can register your own counter with www.digits.com). In writing this web page, I relied on A Beginner's Guide to HTML extensively.
The number of people that have wasted their time here is
Go to www.digits.com if
you're writing your own web page and would like to install your own hit
counter - it's free!